Fragments for a Radical Sociability
During August and September 2022, i had the great privilege of being part of the Periperal Alliances artistic residency programme organised by Kunstverein Munchen. During this time i worked on an ongoing writing / research project on Radical Sociability, and at the final exhibiton of the residency programme i shared some writing-in-progress. I printed these in the format i may imagine the final book to look like, but with huge margins and displayed with pencils on the dining table so that people could edit or respond to them over dinner, or during the exhibition hours. In this work (as with all of my work) i’m interested in highlighting my interdependence with others, and the impossibility of having ownership of ideas. After reading The Undercommons by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney (one of the several life changing books i’ve read during the time in residence) i’ve been thinking a lot about the boundaries of a thing, and in particular when does a book become a book? Is a book not also all of the process that lead up to it? And what does it mean to not only talk about sociability but also practice it, and invite others to practice with me.